In the heart of rural Kenya, in the quiet village of Kairi Gatundu North, my story began. A resilient soul, I faced the challenges of a modest upbringing but found myself facing a unique struggle during my formative years in a boarding school. The shadows of period poverty loomed large over me, and I along with my peers, improvised with whatever was at hand, even resorting to using newspapers. It was a defining moment that left an indelible mark on young Alice.
At the tender age of 15, I embarked on a life-altering move to Norway. However, the promise of a better life was accompanied by the harsh reality of discrimination and exclusion. This chapter of my life not only shaped my worldview but instilled in me a deep sense of empathy for those marginalized and overlooked.
My personal encounters with adversity were the seeds that sprouted my first passion—addressing the very issue I had faced in my youth: period poverty. Unable to sit idly by, I felt a burning need to make a difference, to ensure that no young girl would have to compromise her education and dignity due to the stigma associated with menstruation.
My journey from rural Kenya to the cold landscapes of Norway was not just a physical relocation; it was a transformative odyssey that forged my commitment to advocacy. My story is not merely about overcoming obstacles; it’s about refusing to accept the status quo. It’s about a young girl who decided that her past challenges would not define her future but would propel her towards a purpose greater than herself.
In the face of adversity, I didn’t just find resilience—I discovered a calling.
Our journey is a testament to the transformative power of personal experiences and the unwavering determination to turn those experiences into a force for good
I believe that one person, driven by passion and purpose, can ignite change.
Alice Wambui Kariuki
We started our work in Kenya, as Nomadic Shelter Kenya (NSK) in 2020. Scandinavian Care Organization (Scandicare) in Norway followed in 2021. In the summer of 2021, we decided to use the same name of Scandinavian Care Organization in Kenya.
Scandicare is a charitable organization that works in Kenya in the development & humanitarian sectors to support the government efforts of alleviating poverty and responding to the needs of the most vulnerable in the society. Our work entails advocacy on children living with disability, economic empowerment, climate change, capacity building and partnership development with like-minded organizations and physiotherapy provision services are work in progress, but plans are at an advanced stage.
Project Coordinator
Project Advisory Team
Project Advisory Team
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Field Officer
Representative Juba, South Sudan
Chairman, Nurse
Vice Chairman
Resource Mobilizer
Scandinavian Care Organization
Blomstervegen 31B
2005 Rælingen, Norway
Phone: +47 988 66 749
ScandiCare Kenya
Po.Box 7250-01000
Thika, Kenya
Phone: +254 703 539 735
Copyright 2023 Scandinavian Care Organization